28 Sep, 2022

It is difficult to keep kids focused and interested throughout a lesson. While administrators may help by introducing school-wide behavior management measures, individual classroom management is mostly the responsibility of teachers, who spend the majority of their time with pupils. Managing a classroom may be difficult, so here are 5 classroom management methods to assist and inspire you.

1. Establish, implement, and acknowledge your classroom expectations.

Different classrooms, students, and grade levels have different demands, therefore it is critical to think on and decide what would work best for you and your class. Make sure your pupils understand the rules and processes you chose to implement so that everyone is on the same page. Consider utilising learning contracts, such as an etiquette handout or a lab safety contract, to make your expectations clear to students throughout the school year.

2. Teach (and re-teach) conduct to your students.

Students come from a variety of backgrounds, so take the time to teach and explain the expected behaviours in your classroom. This manner, your entire class will have a solid basis for how to act in class.Don't give up if your class starts misbehaving at some time. Because conduct is learnt, take advantage of this chance to review, refresh, and re-teach your students about the desired good behaviour. This may be taught in a pleasant way by playing a game like conduct bingo.

3. Post your classroom rules and guidelines for easy reference.

Hang posters like this to assist students remember your classroom routines to make your classroom decor interesting and practical. Having information easily available and on display, such as how to ask to use the toilet, will not only remind students of what they need to do, but will also make the material accessible to classroom visitors and any transfer students.

4. Involve students in your classroom management tactics.

Increased trust and participation can result from student involvement. If you have the flexibility, give your students options and solicit input on regulations and processes. You may even involve your kids further by assigning other class duties to them, such as line leader, homework collection, and announcement reader. This not only relieves you of chores, but it also teaches kids responsibility and makes them more aware of classroom procedures.

5. Look for enjoyable methods to promote excellent classroom conduct.

Learning how to behave in class can be a lot of fun. Rewarding good behaviour with lottery tickets, a modest incentive, or even the privilege to do a coveted chore will inspire pupils to put what you've taught into practise. Explain why a student is being awarded so that the rest of the class understands how they, too, may get a gift. If all of your pupils continuously behave well, consider rewarding the entire class with a prize, such as a mini-party.